Wadi Lajb

About the place

  • Country : Saudi Arabia , Jazan City

  • Address : Saudi Arabia

  • Category : Valleys and Caves

Wadi Lajb


"Wadi Lajb" in Jazan is a huge and massive canyon from which freshwater streams flow along Al Reeth Mountains of Al Tihamah valleys southwest of Saudi Arabia.

It is distinguished by its high altitude that reaches 800 meters, its narrow width which does not exceed 6 meters, and its extreme depth that the sunlight does not touch but only slightly, with vast green spaces covering its rough slopes.

This majestic valley is one of the most important attractions in Jazan because it includes a globally rare canyon, with a mixture of rock formations of various types.

The mountaineers can climb rough and rocky bends and slopes that are 300 to 800 meters high above sea level.

The giant valley includes rocks of various shapes and colors, such as basalt, marble, granite and the local rock "Al Khorm" infiltrated by waterfalls.

It also includes "The Hanging Garden", which is the most beautiful and strange park of its kind in the Wadi Lajb in Jizan.

The garden consists of a group of young trees growing at heights ranging from 200 to 400 meters and with lengths of up to 10 meters per tree. 



sabq newspaper


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