Sabil of Umm Muhammad Ali Al Saghir

About the place

  • Country : Egypt , Cairo

  • Address : Haret Al Sabeel, Al Qebleyah, Al Azbakeya, Cairo Governorate

  • Category : Baths and Sabil

  • Establishing Date : 1867 AD / 1286 AH

  • founder : Mrs. Zeba Qadiren, the daughter of Abdullah Al-Bayda

Sabil of Umm Muhammad Ali Al Saghir

Historic overview:

It was established by Mrs. Zeba Qadiren, the daughter of Abdullah Al-Bayda, known as the mother of Muhammad Ali Al-Saghir who is the son of Muhammad Ali Pasha Al-Kabir, the date of its construction is -1867 AD / 1286 AH, as a charity for the soul of her son, Prince Muhammad Ali Al-Saghir, who died in 1861 AD.

Architectural description:

The layout of the sabil is a semicircle filled with inscriptions and marble and copper paintings, and consists of two façades: The main façade: is located in the northwestern side, it has three vertical entrances, the first of which is a door opening with a single wooden shutter, decorated with golden floral and geometric decorations, topped by a straight architrave decorated with muqarnas curves above it a metal circular jamb, followed by a stone emersion in the form of a semicircle, and on both sides of this entrance there are two circles of local plaster with floral decorations.

Facade of the Sabil: It is made of white marble and has the geometric shapes from which the doors with Islamic decorations are formed, and the inscriptions on its walls.

The second floor: there is a wooden balcony with three windows knotted with semicircular arches. The façade ends at the top with a row of balconies in the form of a quintet leaf, and on both sides of the windows are two slabs of local plaster with floral and geometric decorations.

Kuttab: It is located on the second floor and there is a wooden flap resting on four semicircular arches supported by four wooden columns representing the front of a balcony, at the bottom of which is an inscription containing some Qur’anic verses.


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Al-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper

Sunday August 01 2010 AD







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