Tiber Island (Isola Tiberina)

About the place

  • Country : Italy , Rome

  • Address : Isola Tiberina,00186 Rome, Italy

  • Category : Islands and Beaches

Tiber Island (Isola Tiberina)


"Isola Tiberina" is the only island in the "Tiber River" that runs through Rome.

The Tiber Island is located at the southern junction of the Tiber River.

Architectural Description:

The area of the island is approximately 270 m and 67 m, wide in the form of a boat.

There are two bridges on both sides of the island connecting it to the city.

It is the only island above the main river of Central Italy, with a length of 405 km, and the third in length in Italy after the “Po” River with 652 km.

Tiber originates in the Mount Fumaiolo on the Tuscany side, in the Cesena-Forli province, at an altitude of 1268.

The island is connected to the city by two bridges, "Ponte Fabricio" (the four heads), and "Ponte Cestio".

Historic overview:

The island was in the past the seat of the ancient temple "Asclepius", and after that a hospital was built on the island.

Its name is taken from the "Tiber River".

“Ebola-Romon”, is one of the ancient names of the river, while the current name is taken from the name of King “Tibero Silvio”, while the island is also called Asclepius, the two bridges island, and the island of St. Bartolomeo.

The Basilica of Saint Bartolomeo was built over the temple, in the tenth century.

Fatebenefratelli Hospital, was built in 1583 AD, and renovated between 1930 - 1934 AD, and to its right there is the “Church of St. Giovanni Calipetta”, from the ninth century, while the facade was built by “Luigi Baratoni” in 1640 AD, and finished by “Romano” Karabekia" in 1711 AD.

The Kalunya Column was located in the center of the island square, used to record the names of people who were absent from the liturgy, but the column fall in the nineteenth century and was not used later.

Fabricho Bridge was built between 62 - 69 BC; only the arches and heads of the “Gano” remain from the old bridge, while the “Cestio” bridge was built in 46 BC, completely restored more than once, as well as the stones of the Marcello Theater.

How to get there:

The nearest tram stop: Belli or Arenula- Ministero Grazia E Giustizia

The nearest bus stop is Piazza Monte Savelo or Lungotevere Alberteschi


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