Großer Tiergarten

About the place

  • Country : Germany , Berlin

  • Address : Str. de 17. Jun. 31, 10785 Berlin, Germany

  • Category : Parks and Gardens

  • Establishing Date : 1527 AD

Großer Tiergarten


• Tiergarten - Großer Tiergarten "is one of the most important tourist places in Berlin and one of the most famous natural places in the city that expresses the charming natural face of the city, such as many gardens and parks.

• Tiergarten is located in Berlin in the area of Des 17 Street, which is famous for its quiet beauty. The park occupies a large area in the center of Berlin, with an area of 210 hectares.

Historic overview:

• The construction of the park began in 1527 AD, and it was originally an area designated for the Vice-Dean of Brandenburg to hunt deer and wild animals, and with the passage of time the park was expanded by purchasing the lands surrounding it, but here hunting practices began to gradually shrink in place, and it tended to be a public park.

• Over the course of nearly 500 years, a great deal of work has been done on this park, by planting a very large number of dense trees and green lawns, but during the Second World War a large part of the trees were destroyed, some of which was compensated by planting new trees with many plants and flowers.

A tour inside the Garden:

• "Tiergarten Berlin" mediates the Potsdamer Platz Square and the Holocaust Memorial, as it appears as the green heart of Berlin, although it began to fade as the city of Berlin began to expand and the hunting area became smaller to accommodate urban growth.

• The park also includes a zoo at the southwest end.

• The Tiergarten in central Berlin is like New York City's Central Park - a vast green oasis in the middle of a big city.

• The park extends from the Brandenburger Tor to the Zoologischer Garten, making it the largest city park in Germany.

How to get there:

The nearest underground station is Hansaplatz


The official website of the park

tripadvisor website

urtrips website

travelerpedia website

berlin-health-excellence website

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