Sour Meêgazine

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Tangier

  • Address : Tangier, Morocco

  • Category : Urban Facilities

  • Establishing Date : 1911

  • founder : the Spaniard "De Peña"

Sour Meêgazine


Sour Meêgazine as Tangiers like to call it, and it means lazy people is located on the most important street in Tangier "Boulevard".

The "Sour Meêgazine", which overlooks the Mediterranean coast, has two cannons that direct to the Spanish coast in an indication of their history, and their role in repelling the aggression against the city of Al-Bugaz in ancient times, whether it was from Spain or Portugal.

On the other hand, it gives a beautiful character that suggests authenticity and strength, in addition to the fact that the Sour Square is a place for the trade of simple street vendors.

The Sour Meêgazine in Tangier is not a wall in the true sense of the word. It is a concrete “bench” intended for sitting, tens of meters long and 50 to 70 centimeters high, and its shape has changed more than once throughout history. It is a square, a bench, and a garden.

Historic overview:

The Sour Meêgazine, built in 1911 AD, by the Spaniard "De Peña" - according to historians -; In order to prevent sand dunes from drifting at the time.

There are many legends about the secret of naming this wall as the Sour Meêgazine, some of which say that the youth of Tangiers used the wall to look beyond the seas and dream of a better life in Europe, and others linked it to being a point where the elderly used to gather to take a break or to pass the time.


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