
About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Agadir

  • Address : Agadir, Morocco.

  • Category : Urban Facilities

  • Establishing Date : one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two

  • founder : During the reign of Sultan "Mawla Hassan I"



This city is located at a distance of six hundred and ninety kilometers south of the capital, Rabat, and separated by a distance of about ninety kilometers from the city of Agadir. It is bounded on the north by the province of Chtouka Ait Baha, and from the south Guelmim and Sidi Ifni, as to the east, it is bordered by Taroudant, and from the west by the Atlantic Ocean. It is surrounded by a number of forts that were founded in the nineteenth century, and the old city is located inside the forts.

It contains a number of traditional markets that sell jewelry and distinctive handicrafts.

If you want to discover the local traditional life; head to the weekly market that takes place on Thursdays.

It is also known as the Silver Capital, and is considered the capital of the Tiznit region.

The City of Tiznit includes historical monuments such as: Al Makhzniyya Kasbah, Al-Ain Al-Zarqa (The Blue Eye), the Great Mosque, the Khalify Palace, Al Hassani Wall

Historical Description:

This city was established in 1882, during the reign of Sultan "Mawla Hassan I".

The purpose of its construction was to prevent the evil of any possible intervention of Europeans into the region. This city was chosen due to its proximity to the Atlantic coasts, in addition to its presence on the commercial line that connects Guelmim and Essaouira.

The small villages in this region were unified by building 8-meter-height wall with a length of nearly seven kilometers.

It took two years to build this wall, where this wall supports approximately fifty-six towers in addition to the gates: Aklo, Al Khamis, Tarka, Al-Maather, and Awlad Jarrar. 



















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