Orient-Institute Beirut

About the place

  • Country : Lebanon , Beirut

  • Address : The Institute, Beirut branch, is located in a palace dating back to the middle of the nineteenth century.

  • Category : Cultural Centers

  • Establishing Date : 1961

  • founder : German Association for Oriental Studies (DMG)

Orient-Institute Beirut


The German Orient-Institute Beirut is a German research institution.

It is specialized in the field of Islamic Near Eastern Studies in the Middle East.

The center of the institute is located in Beirut and its branch is in Istanbul and it is affiliated with the Max Weber Foundation.

Architectural Description:

The Institute, Beirut branch, is located in a palace dating back to the middle of the nineteenth century, which was built by a prominent Beiruti family in one of the ancient neighborhoods of Beirut known as “zoukak el blat”.

The institute which is located in Istanbul in a four-storey building in Cihangir is close to Taksim Square and overlooking the Bosphorus.

Historic overview:

The German Orient-Institute was established in Beirut in 1961 through the German Association for Oriental Studies (DMG), which is considered a regional base for Oriental studies.

It is a non-commercial scientific research institute, initially funded by the German Ministry of the Interior until 1972, after which the responsibility for funding was transferred to the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Research in partnership with some charities concerned with scientific research.

The Institute also has a modern branch in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt.


An article on the Oriental Studies website - prepared by: Omar Jassim Muhammad

Goethe website

alfalq website

Directory of Islamic Manuscripts in Europe and America (Dalel Al Makhtotat Al Islamia fi Oropa w Amrica)

The official website of the German Orient-Institute






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