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About the city


Punjab is an Indian state located in north western India and forms the large part of Punjab province.

The meaning of the word Punjab is the land of the five rivers, which are the Beas, Ravi, Sutlej, Chenab and Jhelum rivers; All of them are tributaries of the Indus River, and during the period in which the historical epic Mahabharta was written around 800-400 BC, Punjab was known at that time as Trigara and was ruled by the "Katush" kings.

It is bordered from the north by the state of Jammu and Kashmir, from the west by Himachal Pradesh, from the south and southeast by Haryana, and from the east by the Pakistani province of Punjab, from the southwest by Rajasthan. Its capital is the city of Chandigarh.

The Punjabi region was divided between India and Pakistan after the division of India in 1947 AD, and in the year 1966 AD, the states of Haryana and Himachal Pradesh joined the state of Punjab.

Punjab is the only home of the Sikh religion in India.

Punjab’s economy depends largely on agriculture, and on many industries, including the manufacture of scientific tools, agricultural and electrical goods, in addition to machinery, textiles, and sewing machines. Punjab also has the largest number of steel factories in India in "Steel Town".

Punjab was ruled by many empires, and Alexander the Great also occupied it.

Due to its geographical location, Punjab was vulnerable to attacks from east and west, and Punjab faced occupation from Persians, Greeks, Turks, and Afghans; This caused bloodshed and the killing of many of its inhabitants over the centuries.

Its civilization consists of the diverse heritage of many cultures and religions, such as Indian, Buddhist, Islamic, Sikh, and British influence.