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About the city


The city of Rabat in Morocco is one of the largest cities in the Kingdom of Morocco and the political capital of Morocco.

The city of Rabat was founded in the mid-twelfth century by the Almohads at the time of Sultan Ya`qub Al Mansour Almohadi.

It is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, near the mouth of the Bouregreg River, and it is a coastal city.

Its area is about 1185 square kilometers, and its population exceeds one and a half million people and about 98% of the city’s population is Muslims, belonging to different social strata.

Part of its residents work in public services and administration, trade, industry and construction. The city is famous for its textile industry, and it has an international airport, tram network and two train stations.

The climate of Rabat is characterized by humidity due to its proximity to the dam of "Sidi Mohamed Ibn Abdullah" and the sea.

The economy of the city of Rabat is based on various sources, the most important of which are:

Industrial sources: such as the textile industry or traditional industry such as wood, iron, leather, pottery, and carpets.

The trade sector: especially with the spread of major commercial centers and excellent markets.

Tourism sector: It depends on its most prominent landmarks and historical monuments, as well as its strategic location near the beach.

The Moroccan city of Rabat is one of the most important tourist cities in Morocco, which is frequented by tourists from all countries of the world, and we mention here the most famous tourist places in Morocco: Chellah, the Kasbah of the Valley, the Mausoleum of Mohammed V, Hassan Tower or Hassan Mosque, the Almohad Wall, Saint Pierre Church, Jardin Zoologique de Rabat, The Andalusian Gardens, The Old City, Kasbah of the Udayas, Mega Mall, Archaeological Museum, Royal Palace.

Rabat includes a university called "University of Mohammed V", which is the first modern university established in the Kingdom of Morocco.